Tag: lightning protection software

Strip Earthing

What is Strip Earthing? Explanation & Installation Procedure

Earthing is defined as “the method of sending charges directly to the ground through low resistance wire to cause an immediate discharge of electrical energy.” The least resistant channel for fault current leaking is chosen, which calls for a low-resistance earthing cable. Leakage of current from electric appliances is the ...

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Lightning Protection Software.

Lightning Protection Software to Save Design Time

The importance of the lightning protection system for any building cannot be overstated. Lightning protection systems are essential to protect buildings from lightning strikes and the damages caused to the structure, the internal system, and the people inside. To design an effective system for complete protection we need to first ...

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Lightning Theory

Theory of Lightning Protection

Follow us on LinkedIn for the latest updates  Most lightning never even reaches the ground, it just stays within the cloud where they originate. Sometimes a charge may escape the cloud and create a magnificent piece of art for photographers along with a loud boom for nearby observers. However, these ...

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Protective Angle Method for Lightning Protection Design

Follow us on LinkedIn for the latest updates  The protective angle method is one of the three routes for lightning protection system design defined by IEC 62305, the international standard for lightning protection design. After the first step of determining the class of lightning protection decided by the Risk Assessment, ...

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