Tag: Electrical Equipment

Single Line Diagram

Single Line Diagram for Substation – Detailed Explanation

What is a Single Line Diagram? A single line diagram also called the one-line diagram is a symbolic or graphical representation of a three-phase power system. It has a diagrammatic representation of all the equipment and connections. The electrical elements such as circuit breakers, transformers, bus bars, and conductors, are …

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What are surge arresters

Surge Arrester – How does it protect from Voltage Surge?

Surge arresters are protective devices for safeguarding a piece of equipment from over-voltage transients by discharging or bypassing the surge current. It provides a low resistance path to the surge current protecting the system. The surge current can occur usually due to various reasons, like lightning or internal switching events. In …

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Cable Glands Size Chart

Cable Glands Size Chart – Explanation for Gland Selection

Cable glands are designed to fasten and seal the end of an electrical cable to the equipment. They are used as a termination device, and they secure and maintain the characteristics of the enclosure in which the cable enters. Certain types of cable glands also prevent flammable gas entry into …

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Fasteners – Types and Features

Fasteners are hardware components like screws, nuts and bolts that mechanically join two or more objects together. Fasteners are used to create non-permanent joints, that can be dismantled without damaging the joining objects. Unlike fasteners; welding, crimping, soldering are examples of creating permanent joints where the connected objects cannot be …

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House Earthing – Design & Testing

Earthing connects all the major electrical equipment in our house such as fridge, AC, washing machine, grinder to the ground. So when there is an event of a power surge or lightning strike the extra current formed in the system is easily drawn down to the earth, protecting them from …

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Earth Mats

Earth Mats – Why do we need them?

An Earth Mat is a mesh formed of bare metallic conductors and buried in shallow soil to provide better safety from touch and step potential. Earth mats are a part of the grounding system implemented in substations, production plants, industrial areas, etc., where high power handling occurs. More efficient grounding …

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Pipe Earthing

Pipe Earthing VS Chemical Earthing – Explained with Diagram

Electrical circuits are involved with an adequate amount of energy to cause electric shock hazards in case of a fault. A fault can occur due to power surges, leakages due to faulty equipment, lightning strikes hitting directly or indirectly and so on. So it is necessary to focus on the …

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Installation of Lightning Conductor – Step by Step Guide

A lightning conductor is a thick copper wire or rod fixed onto the tallest point of a building and connected to the ground using a long metallic rod. It protects the building from lightning strikes by providing a low resistance path for the current to flow to the earth rather …

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Earthing - Bonding

How are Earthing and Bonding different?

Earthing and bonding are two technical terms we come across when we deal with the safety aspect of an electrical system. We have all heard about earthing that is done for safety purposes during the electrical installation, but do we give much thought when it comes to electrical bonding. Both …

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Exothermic Welding

How to Use Exothermic Welding?

Exothermic welding, also known as exothermic bonding, thermite welding (TW), and thermit welding, is a welding technique that permanently joins conductors using molten metal. An exothermic reaction of a thermite composition heats the metal, and no external source of heat or current is required. An aluminothermic reaction between aluminium powder …

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